About Me

With complete honesty this blog and the additional books came about from my personal planning obsession. I am very organised person. I naturally spend my time planning, organising and finding a home for everything.

I’m also a Project Manager in my professional life so thankfully someone pays me to be organised. In my home life I’m not quite as controlled but I have built up over the years a of catalogue of ‘lists’ I always go back to. These lists are everything I plan and do. It’s a mix of the practical including how to find a solicitor through to a slightly whimsical elderflower champagne brewing recipe.

After a few requests from family and friends for certain recipes or a share of my plan on ‘How to throw a baby shower’ I decided one day that I’d try and put all these items together as a type of ‘How to guide’.

One of the main thing Isabella Beeton is criticised for is not creating unique content herself but cataloguing the content of others, trialling them (in most cases) and documenting them. This is exactly what I do. I am not a professional chef; gardener, lawyer, crafter or any other trade that executes what I attempt to do in an amateur fashion. I am however a professional organiser.

Therefore, I want to thank every professional; non-professional, friend or family member that inspired me to write my catalogue. They are extensive and in lots of cases I don’t even remember the original source. I believe the roast potato tip came from Nigella Lawson and I’ve been heavily influenced by crafters such as Kirstie Allsop or Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall’s ‘River Cottage’. Thank you to everyone who had even the smallest of influence.

Thanks Melanie

aka The Modern Mrs Beeton